Miyerkules, Hulyo 3, 2013

Scientist from 11hour

Hugo Dummett

            Dummett earned his BSc degree at the University of the Witwatersrand in 1964, and moved to Canada in 1965. In 1970, he entered the University of Queensland for graduate work. In 1977, Dummett signed on with Superior Oil to prospect for diamonds in North America, just as the science of using indicator minerals -- pyrope garnets, chrome diopside and chromite -- for diamondexploration was being worked out. Superior formed a joint venture with Falconbridge, and the JV hired geologist Charles Fipke for the diamond exploration project. Early in the program, Dummett tried to convince Governor Bill Clinton to lease Arkansas's Crater of Diamonds State Park.[2] Between 1979 and 1982, the partners found at least 20 kimberlite pipes, but none had commercial diamond potential. The Falconbridge-Superior joint venture then funded a research program by South Africangeochemist John Gurney, to study possible indicator minerals for diamondiferous pipes. By 1982, Gurney had established that the kimberlite pyrope garnet "G10" was critical to diamond discovery. Pipes without the G10 garnet were likely to be barren. Using this new technology, the JV discovered a promising pipe in eastern Botswana, but lost the land to De Beers, who later discovered a commercial diamond deposit there.[3]
Mobil Oil then bought Superior, and ended its mineral exploration program in 1983. Dummett convinced Mobil to turn over its data to Fipke so the exploration effort could continue.[1][2] Fipke and his partner Stewart Blusson, working on a "shoestring," staked some promising ground near Lac de Gras in 1989. Dummett took a new job with BHP Minerals in 1989, and convinced his new employer to lease their property. In 1991, BHP drilling on their leased claims found micro-diamonds, sparking one of largest claimstaking rushes in mining history.[3]
Under Dummet's direction, BHP eventually developed commercial diamond reserves in five pipes; the discovery pipe turned out to be non-commercial.[3] BHP began the permitting process for the Ekati Diamond Mine in 1995, received final approval in 1997, and opened the mine late in 1998.[4] By 2009, annual sales from EKATI amounted to about 5% by value of world diamond production.[5]
In 2001, Dummett joined Ivanhoe Mines as Vice President. He contributed to the discovery of a large porphyry copper-gold deposit that was renamed in his honor, at the advanced Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia.[1]

Thomas Dibblee

            After graduating from Stanford University in 1936, Dibblee worked briefly for the California Division of Mines, then went to work for Union Oil Company and then Richfield Oil as a field exploration petroleum geologist. His field mapping led to the discovery of the Russell Ranch Oil Field, the first oil field to be found in the Cuyama Valley, in 1948, and then to the nearby larger South Cuyama Oil Field in 1949.[3]
He joined the US Geological Survey in 1952, and was assigned to geologic mapping in the Mohave Desert. In 1953 he and co-worker Mason Hill published a paper proposing 350 miles (560 km) of lateral movement along the San Andreas Fault.[5] At that time, prior toplate tectonics theory, there was no known mechanism that could cause such large-scale movements.


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